Berdans’s 2nd US Sharpshooters Flex Fit Baseball Cap
Berdans’s 2nd US Sharpshooters Flex Fit Baseball Cap
This is a premium quality, wool blend, flex fit, baseball style cap, honoring the men of Colonel Hiram Berdan’s 2nd regiment US Sharpshooters, famous for their skirmish line defense against the confederate advance at Gettysburg. The cap is a luxurious, hand dyed, cotton polyester blend in the units signature hunter green. The front logo features the 3rd Corps diamond and a “brass” 2 puff embroidered overtop duplicating the logo of the surviving 2nd USSS Kepi’s. The Cap has Berdan’s 2nd US Sharpshooters embroidered on the rear hat band in red. The cap is designed to be modern representation of the 2nd USSS kepi traditionally worn by Union Infantry throughout our Civil War.
No Hidden Charges, Hats are $36.95 each. All told. This includes USPS Ground Advantage shipping (2-5days anywhere in the CONUS) and all applicable Sales Tax.